Everything I Know by Owen
This wiki has been migrated to www.owenyoung.com, please use the new address to visit the latest content.
A personal knowledge based wiki, where I share everything I know. I will be updating this wiki quite often as I use it myself daily both to keep an account of things I know as well as things I want to know and everything in-between. More details see About Me and the Wiki. I hope it's a gift for my grandchildren(if I have :)
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Why I build this?
- Knowledge that is not remembered/not found is useless
- My memory is poor
- I am eager to show(show off) what I know
- Records make me feel like I'm not wasting my time
- The cost of writing a blog is high, but the cost of writing notes is low
- I need a non-vendor locked solution to motivate me to record permanently
- Plain text is forever
How I build this?
The source and site are hosted on GitHub - theowenyoung/wiki: Personal Knowledge Base Wiki, Everything I Know.
I am proud to have developed my own theme GitHub - theowenyoung/gatsby-theme-primer-wiki: Gatsby Theme Primer Wiki, If you want to build your own wiki like this, you can follow GitHub - theowenyoung/foam-template-gatsby-theme-primer-wiki or obsidian-template-gatsby-theme-primer-wiki if you prefer Obsidian.
About Me
Contact Me
- Email:
) - Telegram: https://t.me/itsowenyoung
- Twitter @TheOwenYoung
- 中文推 @OwenYoungZh
Other Resources
- Newsletter Owen's Newsletter
- Wiki Everything I Know
- Blog Owen's Story
- Github @theowenyoung
- Patreon @theowenyoung
Graph Visualisation Preview

- #Awesome
- 有意思的问题收集
- Awesome Algorithm
- Awesome Alternatives
- Awesome APIs
- 值得一看的文章列表
- Awesome Automations
- Awesome Backup
- Awesome Benchmark
- Awesome Bookmarks
- Awesome Browsers
- Awesome Chat
- Awesome Command Tools
- 在中国买房之前,你需要了解的信息汇总
- Awesome Code Learning
- 收集一些有意思的社区
- Awesome Dashboard
- 有趣的数据
- Awesome Databases
- Awesome Decentralization
- Awesome Deno
- Awesome Editors
- Awesome Emails
- 收集英语学习工具
- Awesome Extensions
- Awesome File Managers
- Awesome Flutter
- Awesome Free
- Awesome Frontend
- Awesome Gatsby
- 智能家居方案汇总
- Awesome ID generator
- Awesome Interview
- Awesome Investing
- Awesome Jackett Indexes
- Awesome Jobs
- Awesome JS Date
- 收集 Javascript 里好用的库
- Awesome KOL
- 常见的低代码/无代码列表
- 国内镜像资源汇总
- 值得定期关注的独立开发者/创造者
- 值得观看的电影
- Awesome News
- Awesome Notes
- Awesome NSFW
- 收集可以在线阅读的书籍
- Awesome Open Source
- Awesome Privacy
- Awesome Products
- 高质量的资源网站收集(电子书,电影,电视剧等)
- Awesome RSS
- Awesome Schema
- Awesome Rust
- Awesome Self-hosted
- Awesome Semantic
- Awesome SEO Tools
- Awesome Services
- 收集有意思的社交应用
- Awesome Speed
- 有意思的协议收集
- Awesome Startups
- Awesome Static Site Generator
- 收集股市相关的资源
- Awesome Swift
- 收集一些有用的技术/环境问题的解决方案
- Awesome Templates
- 值得观看的电视剧
- Awesome UI
- Awesome What Was Your Moment
- 收集Windows上好玩,好用的东西
- Awesome workflows
- 互联网目录汇总
- 收集一些给人灵感的东西
- 值得关注的/有趣的人
- 收集发人深省的话
- 探索互联网上高质量的内容
- 最好用的工具集合
- #Setup
- Bazarr Setup
- Caddy2 Setup for Debian
- Debian Server Setup
- Docker Setup
- FileBrowser Setup
- Install PHP 8.0 On CentOS 7 / RHEL 7
- Jackett Setup
- Mastdon Development Setup
- Nginx Setup for Debian
- Nodejs Setup for Debian
- Peertube Setup with Caddy Server
- Postgres Setup for Macos
- Postgres Setup for Debian
- qBittorrent setup for Debian
- Radarr Setup
- Rclone Setup
- Ruby Setup for MacOS
- Rust Environment Setup for Debian
- Shadowsocks Rust Setup for Debian
- Jellyfin setup